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2천200년전 이베리아 꽃병

천하한량 2013. 5. 15. 02:07

2천200년전 이베리아 꽃병

2천200년전 이베리아 꽃병

(AP/스페인 내무부=연합뉴스) 스페인 당국이 동부 엘 캄페요의 한 골동품상에서 발견해 압수한 꽃병으로 BC 2세기 후반의 것으로 추정된다. 문화재 전문가들은 이 진귀한 꽃병이 알리칸테 지방의 이베리아 고고학 유적지에서 도굴된 것으로 보고 있다.

In this picture released by the Spanish Interior Ministry on Saturday, Jan. 5, 2013, a very rare vase from late second century BC that was seized by police after it was found in an antique shop in the town of El Campello, eastern Spain. Officers seized the object during a routine inspection and arrested the shop owner for allegedly receiving and handling the plundered antiquity of almost incalculable historical importance. The vase is nearly 22-centuries old and was allegedly taken from an Iberian era archeological site in the Spanish province of Alicante. (AP Photo/Interior Ministry) Eds note: Logo at top right put on by source./황창호

2013-01-06 03:30 송고